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Welcome to Bodowen Surgery
Drs Bibby, Selvarajah, Balakrishnan, Sreeram, Turner and Cupitt
This website has been designed to help you make the most of the services we offer at our practice. Please read the information carefully - we hope you find it useful. In addition to the main surgery at Halkyn Road, Holywell we hold a branch surgery at Nannerch Memorial Hall, Village Road, Nannerch every Tuesday morning.
Car Parking and Disabled Access
A large car park is available to the side of the building for use by patients visiting the surgery. Please note that this car park is locked outside the surgery opening hours. There is easily accessible ramp access from this car park to the main entrance, but patients with severe mobility problems can park in the disabled parking space in the staff car park.
Contact Details
01352 710529
[email protected]